Board of Trustees & Museum Council
Board of Trustees
Sue Moretti Bodson
Fred Camillo
Megan M. Clark
Maurice J. Cunniffe
Grace Lockhart Djuranovic
Kathy C. Epstein
Vicki Netter Fitzgerald
Harry Fisher
Shaun Fletcher
Lile R. Gibbons
Rebecca A. Gillan
Erin Glasebrook
Steven Grossman
John C. Hart
Tracy Bishop Holton
Karen S. Keegan
Michael A. Kovner
Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.
Qahir Madhany
Roberto Magana
Simone McEntire
Kathleen L. Metinko
Chris Wolfe Nichols
Nicole Reynolds
Charles M. Royce
Laurie Rubin
Anne C. Sherrerd
Deborah Simon
Judith K. Stein, MD
Angela Timashev
Abiodun Tobun
Alexis Voulgaris
Jacqueline Adler Walker
Carolyn Westerberg
Andrew Wiener
David Yudain
Honorary Trustees
Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Pam and Bob Goergen
Sachiko T. Goodman
Susan E. Lynch
Barbara Netter
Lynne and Richard Pasculano
William L. Richter
Leah and Robert Rukeyser
Brenda and Larry Thompson
Robert R. Wiener
Museum Council
Co-Chairs – Nancy Duffy and Susan Mahoney with Board Liaison Kathy Epstein
Mission: The Bruce Museum Council serves as a body of advocates and ambassadors for the Museum to the larger community on artistic, scientific, political and external affairs issues.
Goals: The members will advise the administration and help build the widest possible consensus for the Museum's initiatives. Members will cultivate collectors who may wish to donate works of art and scientific objects of importance to the Museum and will present the case for the Bruce's growth and development to wider constituencies. Further, they will identify candidates recommended to the Governance Committee for future Trusteeships.
Members: Current and past chairmen and presidents of the Bruce Museum Inc. Board and distinguished individuals who have held leadership positions at the Museum or in the community will be invited to join the Council. The Council will gather approximately four times a year. An annual leadership gift will be requested.
Term: Other than the Honorary category, Members will continue for a term of one year, renewable annually with majority consent of the Governance Committee.
Annual dues are $3,000; $2,800 is tax-deductible and include a one-year Patron level membership. Participation on the Museum Council is by invitation.
Please contact Whitney Lucas Rosenberg, Chief Development Officer, at 203-413-6765 or wrosenberg@brucemuseum.org if you would like to receive more information.