Ethnology Collection
The Bruce Museum's ethnology collection focuses on objects of peoples from the Americas and reflects the sophistication and diversity of the various cultures represented. The Native American collection is particulary strong in late nineteenth and early twentieth century southwest material, including navajo jewelry and Pueblo blackware, and Plains Indian beadwork. Blankets and baskets come from Plains, Southwest and Northwest Coast peoples. A smaller collection of Inuit objects features baleen baskets, ivory and soapstone carvings. The growing Pre-Columbian collection features utilitarian, ceremonial and burial objects from the peoples of Central and South America.

Artist Once Known, Aleut Basket
Artist Once Known, Aleut Basket, 1900–1920 Dyed grass Bruce Museum, Gift of Mrs. W.A. Davies, 67.03.18

Artist Once Known, Apache or Dakota Male Doll
Artist Once Known, Apache or Dakota Male Doll
Artist Once Known, Apache or Dakota Male Doll, 1935 Cotton, deer hide, horsehair, beads, and paint Bruce Museum, Gift of Gail Clawson Smith, 82.04.02

Artist Once Known, Diné Modern/Yeibichai Style Rug
Artist Once Known, Diné Modern/Yeibichai Style Rug, circa 1970–86 Bruce Museum, Gift of Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 86.09.06

Artist Once Known, Hopi, Bowl
Artist Once Known, Hopi, Bowl, early 20th century Painted clay, Bruce Museum, Gift of George Fitch, 00326.02

Artist Once Known, Hopi, Kachina
Artist Once Known, Hopi, Kachina, circa 1930–1940, Painted wood, Bruce Museum, Gift of Veva Wood, 88.21.01

Artist Once Known, Papago (Tohono O’odham) Basket
Artist Once Known, Papago (Tohono O’odham) Basket, circa 1900 Yucca, wool, and velvet, Bruce Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tarpley, 72.41.21.a-b

Artist Once Known, Teton Dakota Beaded Moccasins
Artist Once Known, Teton Dakota Beaded Moccasins, circa 1890–1910, Bruce Museum, Gift of Mrs. John A. Beach, 18168.a-b

Artist Once Known, Zuni Polychrome Jar,
Artist Once Known, Zuni Polychrome Jar, circa 1882 Ceramic, Bruce Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horton, 80.28

Birdstone, circa 8,000–1,000 B.C.E
Birdstone, circa 8,000–1,000 B.C.E
Birdstone, circa 8,000–1,000 B.C.E. Granite, Bruce Museum, Gift of Frederic E. Ossorio, 77.14.02

Fred Peshlakai (Diné, 1896–1974) Trinket Box
Fred Peshlakai (Diné, 1896–1974) Trinket Box, 1920–30 Silver and turquoise Bruce Museum, Gift of Margaret Cranford, 21018.a-.b

Siyosapa (Hunkpapa/Lakota, circa 1840–1902) Hide Hand Drum with bison horns
Siyosapa (Hunkpapa/Lakota, circa 1840–1902) Hide Hand Drum with bison horns, circa 1889 Bison hide, wood, bison horn, iron, and paint Bruce Museum, William H. Tallmadge Collection, 00158.11